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Lischke Consulting GmbH
Kajen 10 / 20459 Hamburg
+49 (0)40 378557-0

Kontaktformular EN Allgemein an vasb@yvfpuxr.pbz
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The world around us is in a constant state of flux, which has gained further momentum with the Corona pandemic and latest global conflicts. Even without these impulses, companies face a number of issues:


  • How must the existing business model be further developed in a digitalized world?
  • What is the “sense-giving” of one’s own organization, of the daily doing and creating in a world full of progress and prosperity on the one hand and enormous global challenges for our humanity on the other hand?
  • What expectations do people have of their workplace? How can people’s full potential be unleashed in the place that shapes much of their lives?
  • How must organizations and companies “function” today in order to meet these requirements?

The ability to constantly change – improve – is thus becoming one of the core competencies of companies. In our view, companies must be developed into dynamicrobusy organizations so that they can respond proactively to future developments. They are able to react flexibly to dynamic changes and are themselves fast and responsive. They are robust in service delivery, meaning they have mastered the ability to change.

This results in high demands on people and leadership in the organizations:
To learn, to develop, to know roles, to contribute.

Lischke Consulting accompanies companies through this change process, bringing together methods and industry expertise with elements of change management. For us, implementation success means leaving behind changed processes that have been lived. We were good when we were no longer needed. We measure ourselves against this value proposition in every project.




For questions or interest, Dr. Norbert Lühring would be glad to speak to you personally.

Telephone: +49 (0) 40 378557 85
Mobile: +49 (0) 172 41 44 185
E-Mail: abeoreg.yhruevat@yvfpuxr.pbz

Kontaktformular Dr. Norbert Lühring